LOVE Ankhara Psychic Services, Patricia Putt as Ankhara offers personal consultations for the individual and groups upon request, in and around the Essex County. LIFE
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History of Ankhara

I was born in India and it was at the age of four that I made my first prediction. At the time neither my family nor I were aware that I had the Gift of being Psychic, to some The Second Sight.

By the time I was ten I had also had a number of Out of Body experiences too. As I was born during the second half of the twentieth century my strange behaviour and things that I said were not easily understood by either my family, friends or the boarding school that I attended, making it very difficult for them to understand me. There were times when I found it nigh on impossible to understand myself.

However, all this aside I managed to grow into a person with a very strong belief in a life that as yet I knew nothing about and my belief in God was and still is paramount. Then when in my late twenties I took a family holiday with my husband and two daughters, this vacation was spent in South Devon. While there we made the acquaintance of a couple who turned out to be Mediums, it was while talking to them and asking many questions that I began to realise that we had a great deal in common. One day after they had left to travel home, my family and I took a trip around the more interesting parts of South Devon; this led us to a Castle. I knew nothing about the history of the place but was soon to be introduced to a lady who had lived there in the twelfth century.

While walking around the Castle and its grounds I felt as though we were being followed, when we entered the little coffee shop I soon discovered that we were. On making our entry into the shop I found my feet freezing to the ground and heard a voice speaking in a strange manner, it was only when I came out of my Trance that I found out from my husband it was myself. This disturbed both my husband and myself; on my return home I looked for and found a reliable, trustworthy Development Circle to study in. My Circle Leader and his wife taught me many things, how to use my Gift to the best of my ability. To be honest and that most of all I had use of this Gift for the help of others on the Earth Plain.

We as Mediums have a Responsibility not so much to ourselves but to those we serve, to give the best of ourselves that we can. To realise that we touch other lives and as such to be careful with the way in which we give our Messages over. We are to give proof that a life continues after what we call Death, and yes I would not be truthful if I did not say that on the passing of my Mother and numerous friends I did not cry, I did. But, in my heart I always knew that they were close to me, in some way touching me and giving proof of everlasting life. That is our duty, to Give Proof of Everlasting Life.

When people contact me regarding appointments I am often asked: What do I bring with me? My answer is always the same: Yourself, that is all I need. Spirit provides the rest. As a True Clairvoyant I don’t need cards, crystals etc. Just the love of my sitter for family friends and their unerring trust in me to be Honest with them.

I have worked in numerous Churches in the Essex area and done TV work too, and yes I do have a dream of doing more than Private Readings, Group sittings and Church Work but that will only come when the General Public see us as a genuinely useful group of people. No more the sarcasm or the raised eyebrow when we say we are Mediums, though having seen some men on TV it would be hard for people to accept us for who and what we really are, a group of people who mostly have the good of the people at heart. In a programme I saw on TV – BBC 2 at the end of the programme the interviewer was heard to say: “There is no body to Govern Psychic/Mediums.” He poor man had no idea how wrong he was, we have the Greatest Governing Body of all God and the Spirit World. If we at any time misuse the Gift given to us at birth they can and will take it from us.

I remain honestly yours

Patricia Putt